
Create memorable Augmented Reality (AR) experiences for your customers and audience using marker or markerless targets

Pro Exp is pleased to offer both marker-based and markerless targets to allow flexibility and to ensure a seamless experience for you and your audience

Marker Targets

Marker-based AR uses target images to determine where the AR places the digital 3D content within the user’s immediate visual environment.

Markerless Targets

Markerless AR places virtual 3D objects in the user’s environment depending on its real time features rather than identifying target images or markers. This eliminates the need for object tracking systems.


Bring your static content to life and maximize your ROI using webAR and the ability to include a call to action (CTA) to further your reach and drive traffic to your company’s website.

Programs and Magazines

Enhance fan and consumer engagement by bringing images to life with exclusive content of your favorite artist, celebrity or consumer brand. Pro Exp's webAR platform has the ability to provide a call to action and generate sales through advertising banners and/or coupons.

Virtual Holograms

This is one of Pro Exp's most popular features. Interact with lifelike virtual holograms of your favorite celebrity, pro sports athlete or team mascot and instantly share your experiences via social media.

PlayAR Trading Cards

It’s a Win! Win! Win! for the team, sponsors and fans with this powerful marketing tool! Enhance fan engagement by providing exclusive content with the additional opportunity for your sponsors to advertise on the reverse side. By bringing these cards to life with AR, you can promote team loyalty, maximize sponsorship revenue and offer exclusive discounts and/or digital coupons.

Promotional Items

Bring your promotional items or premium giveaways to life with webAR as a creative marketing tool to maximize your ROI.


With Pro Exp's webAR platform we can also provide creative consumer engaging AR activations with traditional posters, whether it's for an upcoming concert, play or other special live event.